
We are disability-friendly with wheelchair ramps, lifts, golf buggies and a changing suite specifically designed for people with disabilities.

To get people into boats from wheelchairs we have hoists designed specifically for the purpose.

We even have a bean bag or two to allow folks to sit in some of the larger boats where they would be unable to sit in a conventional seat. 

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    Ramp up to the clubhouse

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    Buggy for transport

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    Buggy for transport

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    Buggy for transport - or eating lunch!

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    I'm Going Sailing!


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    Jetty and hoists

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    Hoisting into a Kinsman

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    Hoisting into a Hansa 2.3

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    Hoisting into a single seat Liberty

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    Hoisting into a single seat Liberty


First Visit

Please do contact us before coming to RS as that way we can ensure that we can best cater for your specific needs! 

Please click on the button to see more details of what you can expect to do and see on your First Visit to Rutland Sailability.

Thursday and Saturday Sailing

All day Thursday and Saturday mornings are our routine sailing days.  Members will start to arrive at 09:00 to rig and launch boats for the start of sailing at 10:00.  At our reception we have a big board with a grid showing the boats and times that sailing slots are available.  The team at reception will help you out in booking a slot in a boat appropriate to your skills and experience.  Members who are qualified may sail solo while instructors (to progress through the RYA Training Syllabus) and 'qualified sailing buddies' are available as required.

On Saturdays a booking system for 1 hour sailing slots is used, and again members may go out solo or with an instructor (to progess through an RYA Training Syllabus) or a 'qualified sailing buddy'.

Whenever we sail we will always have at least 1 of our 2 safety boats launched and ready to assist should assistance be required.

Fleet Senior Instructors

We have allocated a RYA Senior Instructor (SI) to lead and manage the training for each of our fleets of boats.  Any of these people will be able to help you in your training.

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    Les Collier-Hansa & Liberty

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    Jonathan Schofield-Longboat

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    John Deane-Venture

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    Craig Dunderdale-Kinsman


Listed below are the Fleet SIs for each fleet of boats:

Challenger:  TBD

Hansa 303, 2.3 and Liberty: Les Collier

Longboats: Jonathan Schofield

Venture: John Deane

Kinsman: Craig Dunderdale

Fleet Captains

Each Fleet Captain is responsible for the care and maintenance of the fleet of boats in their charge, but more particularly they are a good point of contact to help you get to sail the boats of your choice!

Listed below are the names of the Fleet Captains and Deputies responsible for each of our fleets.

  • Hansa 2.3 & 303

Fleet Captain:  Ian Holdup

Deputy:  Robert Clements

  • Liberty:

Fleet Captain: Ian McNair

  • Challenger:

Fleet Captain:  Phil Mason

  • Venture:

Fleet Captain:  John Deane

Deputy:  Andrew St John

  • Kinsman & Hawk 20:

Fleet Captain:  Kim Smith

  • Longboat:

Fleet Captain: Andrew Bloomer

Deputy:  Robert Goodwin

  • SKUD 18: Lee Baird


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    Ian Holdup-Hansa 2.3 & 303

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    Rob Clements-Deputy Hansa 2.3 & 303

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    Ian McNair-Liberty

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    Phil Mason-Challenger

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    John Deane-Venture

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    Andrew St John-Deputy Fleet Captain Ventures

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    Kim Smith-Kinsman & Hawk 20

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    Andrew Bloomer-Longboat

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    Robert Goodwin-Deputy Longboat

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    Lee Baird-SKUD 18


Training - RYA

Assistant Instructors Course:  circling around the instructors rib

Training for adults and youths

Rutland Sailability is an RYA Affiliated Club and also an RYA Training Centre.  Training is lead by our Chief Instructor (CI) and follows the structure laid down in the RYA National Sailing Scheme and the RYA Sailability Scheme which takes a student from a complete novice through to an accomplished and capable sailor.  The CI is assisted in providing this training by a number of RS members who are also RYA qualified instructors.

Training for youngsters with disabilities

RYA Sailability runs its own schemes for training sailors with disabilities, of any age, but particularly for youngsters.  The Sailability & Powerability Scheme does not replace the National Sailing Scheme instead it's a stepping stone that complements and increase accessibility.  This scheme includes a free syllabus, logbook and certificates to show progress.

In addition, the RYA have developed a series of YouTube videos on sailing, aimed specifically at youngsters - check it out here Sail Smarts  Actually, the videos are pretty good for 'oldsters' as well!

Training - In-House

As well as the RYA sailing courses, RS also run a number of 'in-house' training courses for all members to assist in the smooth and safe running of RS.  These courses include: Hoist Training, Disability Awareness, Safer People Handling, Buggy and Tractor Driving.  Details of these courses and other information on training, rigging guides, policy and operating procedures are all available in the RS Document Library (Members Only).  Members who do not currently have access to the Library should use the Contact Us button to obtain access details.

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    Training volunteers to use the hoist

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    Write your caption here
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    Write your caption here
Contact US


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    Racing, Hansa International in Japan - Oct 2018

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    Racing, Hansa International in Japan - Oct 2018

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    Racing, Hansa International in Japan - Oct 2018

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    Racing, Hansa International in Japan - Oct 2018

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    Racing, Hansa International in Japan - Oct 2018

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    Challenger Racing

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    Challenger Racing

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    Challenger Racing

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    Challenger Racing

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    Challenger Racing

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    Hansa Racing

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    Hansa Racing

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    Hansa Racing

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    Hansa Racing

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    Hansa Racing

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    Hansa Racing


To support the practical skills of our racing sailors we arrange theory sessions on tactics, rules and boat tuning. Our sailors have also taken part in international events in many parts of the world including France, Japan and Holland.

Racing is conducted in a very friendly and relaxed manner with all members encouraged to participate.  One of the best ways to improve your own sailing skills is to compete with others, watch what the race leaders do and then copy and learn! We have, among our members, class and club racing coaches. We normally offer racing on Thursday afternoons, which includes on the water coaching. 


For the more experienced, Rutland Sailing Club welcomes our members to participate in Thursday evening racing, April to September and on Sundays throughout the year. Our members have been Rutland Sailing Club Dinghy Champions many times.

Beyond the club we endeavour to support our competitive sailors in taking part in class race meetings for both the Challenger Trimaran  and the Hansa boats.

Weather at Rutland Water

Obviously, all of our sailing is dependent on the weather, particularly the wind. Too much wind (e.g. above 15-20 kts) and for safety reasons we will limit or cancel sailing entirely. Not enough wind (e.g. less than 3kts) we may also cancel sailing.


There are some excellent on-line facilities that provide forecasts of weather and winds in our area:

Windy:    Windy: Empingham Reservoir weather forecast

XC Weather: Forecast for Edith Weston | XCWeather

Current wind at the Tower in Rutland Water: https://weatherfile.com/kiosk/index-pi-rutland.php

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